Discover everything you need to know about becoming a part of a better community with St. Joseph Habitat for Humanity.


St. Joseph Habitat for Humanity is always looking for volunteers to help us in a variety of ways. If you find it in your heart to give back to the community through our organization, please let us know. We have a variety of things that need to be done, from building homes to helping in the office areas and mailings.

Fill in the form below if you’d like to be contacted about helping our organization. Jump in! Take the first steps toward joining the St. Joseph Habitat for Humanity community.


Decide which area you would like to volunteer in

New Home Construction

Seeking: Individual occasional volunteers, group volunteers (5+ people), crew (regular Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday volunteer), and corporate, faith, community partners

New Home Construction Builds
Construction Safety Guidelines
Read the FAQ’s


Lead or assist in the planting of flowers, shrubs, and bushes when home construction is complete


Sort, organize, prepare items for sale, and assist customers

More Information
Volunteer Waiver Form
Minor Volunteer Waiver Form

Committee Involvement

Events, faith relations, family selection, building, and ReStore

More Information

Want To Volunteer?